Sunday, May 23, 2010

别偷懒了,它们是时候换了!!!(The lifespan of……)

1. 枕头 (pillow)

  • 使用寿命 ( lifespan):1-2 年(1-2 years)
  • 3 种情况下应该换了:(Under three situations need to change it)
    ~枕套变色了(the color of pillowcase had changed)
    ~ 睡醒后颈项酸痛 (after sleep feel pain on the neck)

~早上起来常觉得气喘 (hardly to breath whenever wake up early the morning)

2. 运动鞋 (sport shoe)

  • 使用寿命 ( lifespan):8-12个月(8-12 months)
  • 为了保护你的膝盖,应该每年定期更换它
    (To protect your knee, it’s better to change it every year)

3.牙刷 (Toothbrush)

  • 使用寿命 (lifespan):3个月 (exactly 3 months)
  • 每把牙刷的工作总时不宜超过6小时。(Each toothbrush can only work not more than 6 hours)
  • 按每次使用牙刷每次两分钟,每天两次计算,它的寿命约为三个月
    (According to each time of using toothbrush, twice in a day around 2minutes, the lifespan of it is nearly 3months)
  • 要是忘了用多久,可以根据刷毛规整程度判断
    (If forget about how long you have use the toothbrush, check it according to arrangement of the brush)

4. 抹布 (clothes)

  • 使用寿命 (lifespan) :2周( two weeks)
  • 包括厨房、洗手间等等是隐藏最多细菌的东西
    (Included the clothes use in the kitchen, toilet etc that contain a lot of microbes)
  • 每次使用过后,应该用热水彻底清洗,然后在阳光下晾干
    (Whenever used it, remember use hot water to wash it, and then expose it under hot sun

5. 冰淇淋 (ice-cream)

  • 保质期 (guarantee date):最长12个月 (maximum 12 weeks)
  • 一旦冰淇淋表面形成一层薄冰状糖稀,就意味着冰淇淋不能再吃了
    (When there is a thin, slim layer of icy sugar form on the surface of ice-cream, it’s better not to eat it anymore)

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