Thursday, May 27, 2010

不能不改的小习惯!!!(It’s time to change your bad habits)

1. 饿了才吃 (Eat only when feel hungry)

(Nowadays, people do not have meals on time, and some always do not take their breakfast, the most useful reason is “I’m not hungry”! This is a very wrong habit. Actually food will remain in our stomach for only 4 to 5 hours, when we feel hungry it’s when all the food had eliminated from our body. During this period will cause the problem of gastritis and gastric ulcer.)

2. 渴了才喝 (Drink when feel thirsty)

(Most people will only drink water when they feel thirsty, especially for young one and those busy working in life. We feel thirsty is when our body lack of water, during this period only consume water is already too late. Water is more important than food which functions in metabolizes. Everyone needs to consume water for around 1500ml in a day. During morning or each time before every meal is very healthy habit. This help to clean the intestines, stomach and also increase our appetite. )

3. 累了才歇 (Rest when feel tired)

(Everyone in life think that when we feel tired it’s the signal to rest, actually this is the time when people are over tired in signal, and it’s too late to have a good rest. Over work or tired will cause people to fall in sick when our immune system had slow down. No matter how long we work, we must always have a good and suitable rest time. )

4. 困了才睡 (Sleep when feel sleepy)

(We cannot just go to sleep when we feel sleepy, because this show that we are over tired. Sleep on time in life help to protect our brain, and decrease the problem from suffering of insomnia. In our life, 1/3 of the time is use to sleep, which it the process of metabolism. As long as we maintain sleep on time as a habit, make sure not less than 7 hours is a good way to keep healthy.)

5. 急了才排 (Excrete when feel need)

(Mostly people will excrete the excrement when feel of going and some will hold it as long as they can, this a seriously wrong!!! If excrement and urines remain too long in our body, it’s too dangerous for our health; we may get constipation or bladder problem. This good way to avoid is excrete the excrement on time, and the best time is during morning.)

6. 胖了才减 (Diet when it’s fat)

(The problem of obesity is getting increase and serious nowadays, which is due to over eating and lack of exercise in life. Actually we can avoid all the problem of obesity by set a limitation for ourselves, for example control the amount food we need, avoid over eat.)

7. 病了才治 (Cure when it’s sick)
我们应该常常防范疾病,因为等到生病,就代表身体已经造成危害了。平时就应该 加强锻炼,提高自身抵抗疾病的能力。不过有些人很注意养生保健,但却在生活习惯上存在一些误解,到发现的时候已太晚了。

(We should always take good care of ourselves, not treat it when we feel sick. In daily, we must always exercise to increase our stamina to avoid from getting sick. )

Sunday, May 23, 2010

别偷懒了,它们是时候换了!!!(The lifespan of……)

1. 枕头 (pillow)

  • 使用寿命 ( lifespan):1-2 年(1-2 years)
  • 3 种情况下应该换了:(Under three situations need to change it)
    ~枕套变色了(the color of pillowcase had changed)
    ~ 睡醒后颈项酸痛 (after sleep feel pain on the neck)

~早上起来常觉得气喘 (hardly to breath whenever wake up early the morning)

2. 运动鞋 (sport shoe)

  • 使用寿命 ( lifespan):8-12个月(8-12 months)
  • 为了保护你的膝盖,应该每年定期更换它
    (To protect your knee, it’s better to change it every year)

3.牙刷 (Toothbrush)

  • 使用寿命 (lifespan):3个月 (exactly 3 months)
  • 每把牙刷的工作总时不宜超过6小时。(Each toothbrush can only work not more than 6 hours)
  • 按每次使用牙刷每次两分钟,每天两次计算,它的寿命约为三个月
    (According to each time of using toothbrush, twice in a day around 2minutes, the lifespan of it is nearly 3months)
  • 要是忘了用多久,可以根据刷毛规整程度判断
    (If forget about how long you have use the toothbrush, check it according to arrangement of the brush)

4. 抹布 (clothes)

  • 使用寿命 (lifespan) :2周( two weeks)
  • 包括厨房、洗手间等等是隐藏最多细菌的东西
    (Included the clothes use in the kitchen, toilet etc that contain a lot of microbes)
  • 每次使用过后,应该用热水彻底清洗,然后在阳光下晾干
    (Whenever used it, remember use hot water to wash it, and then expose it under hot sun

5. 冰淇淋 (ice-cream)

  • 保质期 (guarantee date):最长12个月 (maximum 12 weeks)
  • 一旦冰淇淋表面形成一层薄冰状糖稀,就意味着冰淇淋不能再吃了
    (When there is a thin, slim layer of icy sugar form on the surface of ice-cream, it’s better not to eat it anymore)